1. Rude people. One thing I learned from working in retail. People are freaking rude. Like, why do you need to be so rude? One of my coworkers literally got shhhed when she was trying to help a customer. I got told I was being annoying. And people, don't walk into a store talking on your phone. Or wearing your sunglasses. It's not sunny out anymore, hellooo. And it makes you look like such a tool, words do not describe.
2. Fake people. One thing I do have to give the rudeys is that they certainly don't have this problem. Hey, guess what? I don't really need you to like me, so if you don't, don't act like you do.
3. People who leave stupid comments. Okay, this might be my biggest hate ever. Seriously, I'm not commenting on your blog because I want you to comment back. I took the time to read through your post (I hate posts that have a little text and literally fifty pictures of the same thing. Learn to edit!), and I wanted to comment on it. So don't come to my blog and leave the dumbest comments ever. I'm not talking to everyone, I'm talking to certain people who you can still see. Oh, and I'm calling your ass out.
Clara Turbay: "Your ideas are lovely tasteful and stylish." <-- This, my friends, was left on my last post in which I discussed reading for grown-ups. And, fun fact, she left the same exact comment on my other blog. Verbatim. Sorry, Miss Turbay, I'm sure you're a lovely person and a lovely blogger, but really?
But Miss Turbay does not win the stupid comment award. Her comment while obviously generic, did no harm. This lovely blogger literally took the cake. Nadya Joy Soetanto, on my post about the Yale graduate dying, left a comment that simply said, "nice coat color." #@%&(%^&%&^%. How shallow do you appear? How obvious can you be that you didn't read my post?
I'm not saying I don't appreciate comments. They're indicators that my ramblings are getting out there. But don't come to my blog, glance at a picture or two, and leave an asinine comment. Read what I hate number one. Yeah, you're rude.
4. Poor grammar. Note the comments I mentioned above. Both have awful grammar. And I know, I don't have perfect posts (I really need to edit them), but there are just some things you should always do. And people obviously don't. I'm an English major, bare with me.
--YOU ARE is YOU'RE, not YOUR.
--The Oxford Comma is important-->
It's a, b, and c, NOT a b and c or a, b and c
--The Oxford Comma is important-->
It's a, b, and c, NOT a b and c or a, b and c
-- Use a space between A and LOT, Alot is not a word
-- This is how you spell RIDICULOUS. There is no E.
-- This is how you spell RIDICULOUS. There is no E.
Obviously someone could consider me one of the above. We all have bad parts in us, but these are just some pet peeves I've been wanting to share with the world for a while. I'm not saying any of these people are bad people; they're probably lovely in their own way. I'm just saying people are people, and we all kind of suck sometimes.