If you ask my sister, this is probably why I'm still single, give off no sex appeal, and am just a straight-up weirdo. FYI I mean my real, share-a-last-name sister. The thing is, I'm pretty, freaking weird. And not in the kinky way (get your head out of the gutter!), but in the secret-Asian-nerd way. I've noticed it recently, and while I'm not hiding it, I'm not opening my mouth and shouting it to the whole world either. I have about eighty million interests, and these just so happen to be some of them.
- I'm a secret fan girl. Okay, not that secret, but I'm not much better than a lot of fan girls. I don't do that whole thing where they like the pair group members as couples because that's too weird even for me and, let's face it, my lack of a gaydar is a sensitive topic, so why would I encourage it? But I totally looked as soshified.com like errryday for Soshi updates, and for a while I was following a Kyuhyun fan page to figure out what he was up to. I screamed like a crazy fan girl when I saw G-Dragon in person, and totally waited at this state with my friend for an hour or so in hopes he would appear. No, I'm not kidding.
- I TOTALLY read manga. A lot. Like a lot, a lot. I've read so much manga over the years that I often forget a lot of them. Even my favorites, I forget that I've read them. All I know is that Fruits Basket was my first and my favorite (though Hana Yori Dango is close). I've read some smutty ones too--they're pretty terrible. I definitely prefer shoujo manga--the cutesier, the better. The worse one I read was probably Haou Airen because it was just beyond bizarre for me. Plus the ending was sad, though not that sad when you think about it. I don't know; I don't recommend that. I don't recommend a lot of that mangaka's work because it can be pretty smutty. Though I'm reading Ai Ore! now, and it's cleverly adorable.
- I also have watched anime. You betcha! I actually don't watch that much because I prefer reading the manga version over the anime--especially because two of my favorites (Furubu and Ouran) only had two seasons when there was so much more left of the story. I am considering getting into the Avatar series though. I watched the finale of Korra while I was in California, and it was quite good.
- I watch A LOT of sappy Youtube videos. Not the kitty ones either (I watch less of them than you might think given my name). I watch the couple videos, the kissing compilations, and the ones with sappy Celine Dion songs in the background. You think I'm kidding, but one look at my Youtube history will tell you differently. It's pretty bad. After I finished a movie, show, or a manga, I always youtube couple videos to relive the moments.
- I would totally be a gamer if it weren't for my brother. I would! I'm not at all, but given my short times with Angry Bird, Solitaire, Temple Run, and more, I know I'd be addicted to games if my brother had let me play his Nintendo 64 more often when I was little. I would 100% be that person up to 3 am playing a game.
I know, I'm a bit dorky. At this point, though, I've embraced it. What's the phrase? I'm letting my freak flag fly.