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All musings written by S.Elisabeth

A blog dedicated to the life of a contradictory college student whether it be long winded rants or pretty things that catch her eye.

Este blog está dedicado a la vida de una estudiante de universidad contradictoria, de los gritos largos o las cosas bellas que ella ve. Mi español es terrible, pero estoy intentando aumentar.

"I have a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than of boredom."-Thomas Carlyle
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playlist to life


I should have probably realized a little earlier how often I played around on the Photoshop all the computers at my school had. I'm going through a little withdrawal now that I don't have it on my laptop! I use Gimp, which is free, but it's not quite the same as Photoshop! And I was planning on trying to teach myself more about it... Anyway this is what I keep hitting replay on! Obviously the songs I always listen to, "Crash Into Me" by DMB, "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction, and any SNSD song are on my playlist too, but these are some recent additions! (Okay "Bonafied Lovin'" is old too, but I just recently started hitting the replay button.


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