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All musings written by S.Elisabeth

A blog dedicated to the life of a contradictory college student whether it be long winded rants or pretty things that catch her eye.

Este blog está dedicado a la vida de una estudiante de universidad contradictoria, de los gritos largos o las cosas bellas que ella ve. Mi español es terrible, pero estoy intentando aumentar.

"I have a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than of boredom."-Thomas Carlyle
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things i wanted to write about...

...while I was without internet access for the past two and a half days. I'll make a brief list here, and then expand later when my brain recovers from driving home from school.

1. "Revenge"- If you haven't watched it. WATCH IT. I literally spend 48 hours watching all the episodes of this season. Emily Van Camp is fantastic, the guy who plays Daniel is too adorable for words, and the dog's name is Sammy.

2. The last few episodes of "Glee."- Seriously, "Glee" had some shitty story lines, and I'm still bitter over the under use of Damien,  but they have been nailing these last few episodes. I've had tears in my eyes. Tears. "Choke" was fantastic, and I felt my heart drop into my stomach when Rachel choked. And this past episode(s) with Nationals--best ever. Even better than their first time at Sectionals way back in season 1. I'm definitely going to cry more over their graduation than I did at my own. And the performances outfits--perfect!

3. Consumerism Problems.- Packing up from college. Where/When/How did I accumulate all of this?

4. The whole no underwear thing.- More on that later. Let's just say I packed them up and sent them home, and had to go commando for three days. Also in a house without internet, channels beyond basic cable, and barely any cell service. It was actually not too bad. The latter, no the underwear part.

5. Fifty Shades of Grey- Have you read this? Basics: Writing isn't anything to write home about. A little above Twilight, but not by much. At least James doesn't try to use a thesaurus half the time. Story line is interesting though, and I'm reading the rest of the trilogy. I think I need all three books before I make a full review. Also the sex scenes are pretty well written as far as romances go, although I will always cringe when someone who's supposed to be suave says, "Oh yeah, baby." If I have any, future boyfriends of the world beware: If you refer to me as "baby," I will ignore you.

6. "GCB" cancelled- Stupid, stupid decision, ABC. Hate you.


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