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All musings written by S.Elisabeth

A blog dedicated to the life of a contradictory college student whether it be long winded rants or pretty things that catch her eye.

Este blog está dedicado a la vida de una estudiante de universidad contradictoria, de los gritos largos o las cosas bellas que ella ve. Mi español es terrible, pero estoy intentando aumentar.

"I have a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than of boredom."-Thomas Carlyle
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finals week--craziest of the crazy

I'm actually lucky. I have one final and a portfolio due by the end of this week. But otherwise I understand--finals week sucks. Sucks, sucks, sucks. Long tests, long hours of studying, stress levels high, poor hygiene, lack of sleep, slight addiction to caffeine and other substances to keep people awake. I get it. While I subscribe to copious amounts of Lipton tea and plenty of sleep, I still can understand the pain. When two hours studying in the library doesn't seem to be enough. When attention spans start wanning. I get it. So I'm here to help. With Cat pictures.

What you mean I gots FOUR finals in a row?

No sleep. Coffee cup in hand. I is gonna rock dis shit.

Four Hours Later: I. Can't. Go. On.

After Finals: Post-Final Coma

Good Luck!!!


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