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All musings written by S.Elisabeth

A blog dedicated to the life of a contradictory college student whether it be long winded rants or pretty things that catch her eye.

Este blog está dedicado a la vida de una estudiante de universidad contradictoria, de los gritos largos o las cosas bellas que ella ve. Mi español es terrible, pero estoy intentando aumentar.

"I have a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than of boredom."-Thomas Carlyle
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I know, I know. College, University life--all about the partayyysss. Kind of. You know, besides the diploma thing, college is about spreading your social wings and exploring your new found independence away from the overly protective eye of your parents. Except, and I love my college it bits, the whole social thing at night is really not all it's cracked up to be. For example, my nights going to house parties. Usually a gigantic waste of time. Why? Let me lay it out in a list for you.
"Skins," so deceiving. Reality is not this attractive looking.
1) The Walk. I'm lazy, so it had better be a pretty good party if I'm going to walk all the way off campus just to go. And my school's small, the house parties aren't that far away. But think of it this way. At least on the East Coast, the nights are chilly about 90% of the time. Girls are expected to show a little skin for going out--you know, a cute dress or top--and often times like to throw in heels for good measure. For what? Goosebumps, freezing bums, and walking for a party that might be busted as soon as you get to the front street.

2) The People. I'm not saying the people are bad by any means. What I'm saying is that people, no matter how sweaty they can prevent themselves from being, are going to get very moist very quickly in a house so small with a crowd so large. When you enter the house and you brush against someone who's been there for a while, you're guaranteed a little swipe of sweat as a souvenir. Gross.

3) The Noise. I probably won't ever go to a rave. And if I do, I'll probably have to be on ecstasy to enjoy it. The thing with house parties is that the noise level is so high, you can barely think straight let alone try and have a conversation with anyone. Also the music is hardly ever good.

4) The Dirtiness. Again, the people and house may normally be quite clean, but add in a bunch of sweaty people, thing start getting dirty right away. The floors are gross. There's beer spilled on the ground mixed with who knows what else. The bathroom is usually a little gross, especially when toilet paper runs out.

5) The Cops. At least in my college town, the cops bust parties left and right if there's anything going on. And then people start getting rude because they get panicky. "Get the F*** out!" starts getting yelled along with "Shut the F*** UP!" Real pleasant way to spend an evening.

Over all, if I want to be social, I'd much rather hang out and talk while eating and drinking yummy things like pita chips while watching a stupid movie or just listening to good music. If I want to dance, then I'd rather get all dressed up and go to a club or something fun. House parties, not so much.

Worth it or no? I've been seeing them for the past two years, and I still can't make up my mind. Everyone I know obviously loves them, and that darker pink one with the lighter pink flowers is calling my name.... Also for anyone who's an Alpha Chi Omega, that flamingo one is literally perfect! I wish they'd make a strawberry or bunny one! To buy or not to buy, that is the question!

I'm old. I guess I'm not that old. But it feels like time has flown by. Especially the last two years. When I was a high school senior getting ready to start my career at the college I'm at now, I couldn't imagine all the things that have happened in the passed two years happening. Does that make sense? I'm getting a little sentimental right now. It's one o'clock in the morning, I have my one and only final tomorrow at noon, and I'm starting to slow down a little to realize just what's going on. Without going in to too much detail and getting all gushy, let me go in to what I've done.

Went to South Korea. At the time it seriously didn't seem like a huge, crazy thing. But on reflection, I can't stop thinking about it. I got a program made at my school to allow me to study in Seoul for the summer. I got on a plane and traveled to a country where I didn't speak the language by myself. And I can't wait to go back.

Had a job I liked. I worked retail at a high end brand's outlet store, and I loved it. Sure I was super awkward at first and my skills at selling things was rough at first, but I loved it. I loved dressing up. I loved talking to people. I loved not watching a pool or blowing the whistle at stupid kids... How many people can say they had a part time job they actually liked?

Actually kissed someone. Don't judge. I'm not going to talk about it in detail right now but seriously when most people kiss someone at least by age thirteen, things start really looking desperate when you're seventeen without a kiss to talk about. It gets a little worse circa eighteen. And finally kissing someone, albeit not romantic but funny, was a bit of an accomplishment. It let me know I may not be completely doomed to future lonely, cat lady tendencies.

Joined a sorority. Seriously, ask anyone I knew in high school. Me. A sorority. Joining. I know, I know. I did though. This semester I joined a sorority, and I've been loving every minute of it ever since. I already miss my Delta Mu pledge class. And I love my City family. And I can't wait for recruitment next spring and getting a little and meeting the new PC. And I kind of love all the chants and songs! They're so much fun to do.

Anyway, sentimentality over. Next big adventure? A vacation to visit some friends from my time in Korea in California and then off to SPAIN for the semester. True life, I'm a little traveler. Wanderlust dreams of high school coming true.

I'm actually lucky. I have one final and a portfolio due by the end of this week. But otherwise I understand--finals week sucks. Sucks, sucks, sucks. Long tests, long hours of studying, stress levels high, poor hygiene, lack of sleep, slight addiction to caffeine and other substances to keep people awake. I get it. While I subscribe to copious amounts of Lipton tea and plenty of sleep, I still can understand the pain. When two hours studying in the library doesn't seem to be enough. When attention spans start wanning. I get it. So I'm here to help. With Cat pictures.

What you mean I gots FOUR finals in a row?

No sleep. Coffee cup in hand. I is gonna rock dis shit.

Four Hours Later: I. Can't. Go. On.

After Finals: Post-Final Coma

Good Luck!!!

Guess what freaky piece of B horror/comedy flick I just saw yesterday? Teeth. It's one of those horror movies infamous among college crowds because of its weird, freaky nature (like that human centipede one). Teeth is about girl who has teeth in, wait for it, her vagina. Her va-jay-jay. Teeth like the ones in her mouth, only presumably a lot stronger, to protect her womanhood from predators. Which, apparently, there are a lot in her life. She starts out as one of those types of girls who likes to preach about saving her virginity for marriage. Now, I'm not against saving oneself for marriage in the least bit; I respect that choice immensely. What I get annoyed with (and I do the same for people who do it with religion and other things) is the people who like to shove it in your face and preach about it, making anyone who has decided for premarital sex feel like the scum of the earth. Anyway, Dawn, our main character, starts off with this speech. The movie shows how she transforms from this virginal innocent into, well, someone else. Not bad, actually a little bit kickass.

Let's see. Her victims. Her first boyfriend who tries to get it on with her in a cave. And while she's momentarily knocked out. That's when she realizes what's going on down there. Then there's the totally shady gyno who tries to shove his hand (or at least four fingers) up there and sexually assault her. Then there's the guy who actually does have sex with her because she likes it, and then turns out to be a douchebag. And then there's her oh-so-lovely step-brother.

Anyway, if you want to laugh for an hour-and-a-half, freak out your male friends, and make fun of how funny this B flick is, I recommend it highly. There really is no horror in it besides the graphic pictures. It's good for a boring afternoon with friends.
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